I can
vaguely recall the presidential election of 1972. What I can remember is my first grade teacher
asking with a show of hands whom our parents supported for president. I was only one of two kids whose parents supported
George McGovern. The rest all supported
Richard Nixon.
thought about this the other day and the genuinely sociopathic nature of American
politics when I read George McGovern passed away.
I have read a number of editorials that have made the point of what he a
good and decent person he was and how he was ahead of the curve on the issues
of hunger and peace but unfortunately he was the type of candidate, the type of
politician, no one listens to and that especially includes his own party. In this day and age of George Bush, a draft
dodger, announcing “mission accomplished” dressed in a flight suit, we are reminded
that McGovern was a decorated WWII flying ace who served his country nobly. He was the anti-chickenhawk
is often compared to Barry Goldwater.
Goldwater won a few more states than McGovern but still suffered a
serious shellacking from Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 election. However, whereas Goldwater is seen as the spiritual
forefather of the Reagan era Republican party, McGovern is seen as primer of
what not to do.
sure McGovern made plenty of mistakes.
The biggest one was not vetting his vice presidential choice, Thomas
Eagleton. This is something every campaign
has done since with varying degrees of success.
may have been too liberal for his time but to me he represents the last gasp of
the good and noble Democratic Party, the party of FDR and LBJ, the party of
civil rights and social security. He also
represents a break between the military-industrial complex and the previous
Democratic presidential administrations.
This is something the Republicans would seize upon.
McGovern wasn’t solely responsible for scaring the Democratic party way from
Progressivism (the losses of Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis helped too) but
he started the sociopathy ball rolling towards Bill “The era of big government
is over” Clinton. Clinton with his incremantilism, his support of NAFTA (The ultimate
shafting of American workers), his sanctions on Iraq that killed children, his
gutting of welfare, his backing of a “peace plan” that would have turned the
Palestinians into American Indians on reservations they have very little control
over, is as Michael Moore says “The most successful Republican president of all
heard it said the other day that Richard Nixon by today’s standards would be
too left wing to get the Democratic nomination for president much less George
McGovern. This shift rightwards by
everyone in politics pushed by the Reagan era hurts working men and women and
is largely responsible for the financial mess we are in now.
McGovern was at his most eloquent when he spoke of economics, about war, about
old men sending young men to die. I’m
hoping a new generation connected by the Internet and hard financial times
caused by the greed of large companies and investment bankers will rediscover thorough
his passing this great man’s words and policies for a more humane and just