The 2nd album by The Last Shadow Puppets (the collaboration between Alex Turner of Arctic Monkeys and Miles Kane) feels like a slightly less immediate and quieter version of their debut THE AGE OF THE UNDERSTATEMENT. In the eight years since UNDERSTATEMENT, Kane has kind of come into his own as a successful solo artist while Turner has kept plugging away with Arctic Monkeys. This is certainly a beautifully produced record with swooping strings and pitch perfect vocals in harmony or solo (mostly by Turner). A little bit of a nod in the direction of Brian WIlson besides the regular 60's-70's influenced chamber pop especially on the title track which is my favorite song after two listens. I hope we don't have to wait so long for the next Puppets record. IMO it's better than the last couple Arctic Monkeys records.
Underneath the pretty vocals and the various beats and instrumental flourishes on this second album by the musical duo Lucius(I especially like sound of the synths here) is some really great songwriting, nifty wordplay lyrics, big choruses, slow burning melodies that reveal themselves gradually like a burlesque dancer disrobing....I imagine most artists would kill for a tune as good as "My Heart Got Caught On Your Sleeve"
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